11 Desember 2010

software gratis

Seperti biasan kali ini saya akan berbagi file-file yang cukup bagus untuk, dikoleksi :

1. Super Hiden
Software ini berguna untuk menyembunyikan data/folder yang kita anggap rahasia dan cara pengoperasian dari software ini sangat-sangat mudah kita tinggal memasukkan folder yang akan kita hidden dengan password yang kita buat. unduh file disini

2. Windows USB
Kali ini instalasi windows XP via USB/Flashdisk. jadi agan tidak perlu repot 'n ribet untuk instal windows cukup sediakan flashdisk 2G (rekomendasi) dan ganti bios booting via USB. selesai tinggal tunggu proses instalasi selesai. unduh

3. Gamebooster
Untuk para gamer software ini sangat membantu dalam memaminkan game-game yang besar, untuk mendongkrak performa kinerja kompi agan agar maksimal untuk bergame ria unduh

4. Portable Total Uninstal
Satu lagi gan untuk membantu agan uninstal program yang tidak berguna lagi, software ini selain ringan juga sangat efektif karena menghapus sampai keakar-akarnya.unduh

16 Juli 2010

Im Crew

Until the 1st of August, we are in the pre-launch stage. At the moment you can earn money by referring other users to join Imcrew - You will earn $2 for every active referral. Use your referral link to do this. After the 1.st of August You will be able to earn money by Reading and Sharing articles what we will provide to you, you will be able to earn up to $1275/month by doing this. So Copy your Referral link and give it to everyone you know- because you will be able to earn $2 for everyone you refer and also 20% of their Revenue what they get from reading and sharing articles. Use this opportunity now also list click here free
Sampai 1 Agustus, kita berada dalam tahap pre-launch. Saat ini Anda bisa mendapatkan uang dengan merujuk pengguna lain untuk bergabung Imcrew - Anda akan mendapatkan $ 2 untuk setiap referal yang aktif. Gunakan link referral Anda untuk melakukan hal ini. Setelah 1.st Agustus Anda akan mampu menghasilkan uang dengan Membaca dan Berbagi artikel apa yang kami akan memberikan kepada Anda, Anda akan dapat memperoleh hingga $ 1275/month dengan melakukan hal ini. Jadi Salin link Referral Anda dan memberikannya kepada setiap orang yang Anda tahu-karena Anda akan dapat mendapatkan $ 2 untuk setiap orang yang Anda lihat dan juga 20% dari Pendapatan mereka apa yang mereka dapatkan dari membaca dan berbagi artikel.
Pergunakan kesempatan baik ini sekarang juga daftar disini (gratissssss)

23 Maret 2010

Alamat Gratis dan Download Gratis

Sudah terlalu lama aku gak posting karena beberapa kesibukan yang harus saya kerjakan dan, menuntut saya harus selesai secepat mungkin..................
Jadi baru kali ini saya sempat untuk membuka dan posting di blog ini.
Untuk ini saya mencoba memberi beberapa info penting yang mungkin dapat bermanfaat dan berguna bagi sebagian orang yang betul2 membutuhkan.
Saya ingin berbagi kepada rekan2, situs dan web GRATIS.

Sementara itu dulu yang bisa saya bagikan dan selamat berbburu software applikasi, games, ebook and anymore

11 Februari 2010

Miracles of Indonesia

from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Borobudur is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.
The monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The journey for pilgrims begins at the base of the monument and follows a path circumambulating the monument while ascending to the top through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kāmadhātu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness). During the journey the monument guides the pilgrims through a system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief panels on the wall and the balustrades.
Evidence suggests Borobudur was abandoned following the fourteenth century decline of Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms in Java, and the Javanese conversion to Islam. Worldwide knowledge of its existence was sparked in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the then British ruler of Java, who was advised of its location by native Indonesians. Borobudur has since been preserved through several restorations. The largest restoration project was undertaken between 1975 and 1982 by the Indonesian government and UNESCO, following which the monument was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[3] Borobudur is still used for pilgrimage; once a year Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak at the monument, and Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist attraction.[4][5][6]

26 Januari 2010

Superman Is Dead

Superman Is Dead (abbreviated SID) is a musical group from Bali, headquartered in Poppies Lane II - Kuta. This band of three young men from Bali, namely: Bobby Kool as a guitarist and vocalist, Eka Rock As with bassist, and Jerinx as a drummer.
At the beginning of the emergence, around the end of 1995, SID music styles influenced by foreign bands like Green Day and NOFX. Later, inspired musical genre shift SID Punk 'n Roll bands like Supersuckers, Living End and Social Distortion.
Ballerina fans called the Outsiders for men and Lady Rose for a woman.


History of Superman Is Dead :  

Superman Is Dead is usually called SID was formed in 1995. Beginning of the formation of the SID [[Superman Is Dead]] led by members of the band [[heavy metal]] thunder named Ari Astina often called [[Jerinx]] who wanted to form a new band. And the drummer for new wave punk band diamond clash commonplace Budi Sartika called [[Bobby Kool]] who wanted to be a guitarist and vocalist.

Jerinx and Bobby met at [[Kuta]] [[Bali]]. The two men then agreed to form a band. At that time the bass was filled by additional bassist named Ajuzt. The band initially brought their songs from Green Day.

Day by day there came a new personnel named Eka Arsana call [[Eka Rock]]. Eka became an official personnel SID. Once a band not Superman, but Superman Is Dead Is Silver Gun. Then because the name Silver Gun Superman Is bergantilah be less suitable Ballerina or SID. Drive means is that the only perfect human being and illusi mere human imagination that will never exist.

Discography :
1. Kuta Rock City

Kuta Rock City officially released in March 2003 under the label Sony Music Indonesia. With its flagship   singles of Punk Hari Ini and Kuta Rock City is thick with the influence of Green Day and NOFX to name the SID directly aligned with rock bands. This album immediately catapulted SID SID name as the best newcomer band.

2. The Hangover Decade

Album, released in 2004 it was 10 years old SID marker stands. On his second album was to take the route SID as on the album Punk Kuta Rock City, the album was re-entering the SID old songs like Long Way to the Bar, TV Brain, and Bad bad bad.

3. Black Market Love 

This third album seem more mature, with lyrics that talked about the anger of nature, human greed, social and political circumstances. By entering the elements of musical instruments such as accordion, trumpet and keyboards, as in the song Not Stepping Heroes and Hell. The album was released in 2006.

4. Angels & the Outsiders

Fourth album, released in 2009 on major label suggests that the more adult SID. Still like the previous album, SID still rely on social lyrics and resistance to penindasaan. This album still plays SID music punkrock with a touch of rock n 'roll. This SID album reap success. One of them is the SID had been invited to the Warped Tour Festival in the United States and conduct tours in several cities in the USA. This is a success because the SID is the only Indonesian band and second band in Asia, which was called to the Warped Tour even though they are not released an album in the USA.

22 Januari 2010

Tourism Places in Indonesia

I will introduce the tourist places are famous in my country, tourist places are very beautiful and elegant. Indonesia is an archipelago where there are several islands that are exotic and interesting as shown below.
  1. Bali Island   
  2. Kepulauan Raja Ampat
  3. Bunaken Island
  4. Lombok Island 
While this can be used to inform me the next time I will certainly inform you that even more.

Indonesia folklore

As the world’s largest archipelago, Indonesia is home to hundreds of ethnic group with diverse languages and cultures. One of the heritages of the country is cerita rakyat. For those who don’t know, cerita rakyat is a form of tale, folklore, legend or myth from the country Indonesia. Its origins are probably an oral culture of stories that explain events or establish moral lessons. Cerita rakyat is usually tied in with a province or region of Indonesia.
So…, here’s some collection of cerita rakyat.


12 Januari 2010

Hack Facebook

Nge-hack Facebook

Awas!! Facebook kamu di hack. Sekarang ada program namanya GZ’s Facebook. Cara kerjanya cukup simple, kita tinggal ketikan e-mail dari akun "ANU" yang punya facebook, kemudian klik Freeze. Nah ditunggu beberapa saat.. Hasilnya, password "ANU" yang punya facebook akan berubah, dan dia tidak bisa kembali masuk ke dalam facebook-nya....(K'cian)

Modar tow kalo sampe facebook kita ter-freeze macam gini. Hari gini akun facebook ilang?? Duh, berat banget jaman sekarang ga akses facebook. Soalnya, kalo hari ini ga buka facebook serasa mau mati?? He..he..

Tapi ada sisi positifnya juga program ini. Kalo mau coba, silahkan di unduh disini.

Aku sendiri sampe saat ini belum tahu betul bagaimana cara mengatasi masalah freeze ini, namun cara yang cukup aman, kita juga harus merahasiakan e-mail yang menjadi username kita. Dengan menyembunyikan informasi e-mail tersebut, setidaknya selangkah lebih maju dalam menghindari bahaya korban dari keisengan orang atas akun facebook kita.

Nah, kalo berminat mencoba. Ingat, secara pribadi aku tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala hal yang diakibatkan dari program tersebut. Semua menjadi tanggung jawab Anda sebagai pemakai. Maka gunakanlah dengan bijaksana......

04 Januari 2010

Belajar Hacking dari A sampai Z

Dunia hack dan crack emang sudah lama kita kenal namun tidak semua orang tahu apa makna sebenarnya dari hacker atau cracker,karena yang mereka tahu hanyalah hacker atau cracker adalah seorang penjahat.

Secara pribadi saat saya mengenal dunia hacking yang terpikirkan bahwa dunia hack itu rumit dan sulit untuk dipelajari dan memang semua itu sulit apabila kita tidak belajar dari awal alias basic dari hack.

Terus apa pengertian dari seorang hacker itu ?? apakah mereka yang hanya belajar 24 jam untuk otak-atik system komputer bisa disebut seorang hacker ??

Tidaklah semudah itu karena hacker adalah mereka yang mampu menciptakan sesuatu dan bisa mengusai semua seluk beluk dunia cybercrime, komputer baik dalam hal software, system keamanan, ataupun jaringan . . .

silahkan kalau mau belajar hacking dengan lengkap dan bahasa yang mudah dipahami..
silahkan kesini aja:

silahkan cari di google.com karena masih banyak pilihan laen..

saya hanya menyampaikan tulisan ini supaya semua orang bisa belajar.